[[Online Forum]]
Battling Covid-19 Pandemic
What challenges and changes are martial arts coaches facing?

Organised by: AXB Asia
Co-organiser: Warriors.asia

Host: Alvin Chong – Deputy President, Malaysia Shuai Jiao Association Speakers:
1. 黄金水- President, Malaysia Push Hand Association
2. 杨国汉- Founder, Smart Studio
3. Andy Teh – Founder, Elitez MMA
4. Kenny Ng – Founder, 3S MMA
5. Tsan Nieng Khai- Founder, MAD Fight Club
6. Wallace Tan – Founder, Warriors.asia

Friday, May 22nd at 8pm

Watch here:

1. facebook.com/ISKA.Bmaex
2. facebook.com/WRBorneo
3. facebook.com/AXBASIA

#axbtv #axbasia #maex #bmaex #acposeidon #wushu #mma #martialarts #shuaijiao #pushhand #tuishou #kickboxing #covid19

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