Good news to martial art enthusiast. BAC is happening in Labuan and you can start registering NOW. Contact @bcgmma for more info.

Reposted from @bcgmma – Hi coaches & master!

We are humbly invite you & your team for our coming event Borneo Amateur Challenge 8 – Spirit of Unity. This is the competition we will bring to you: [Forms & Weapons]
This platform is for martial artist to showcase their skills & talent to the public. This multi races competition will reflect our unique identity in Malaysia. [Sanda Ring Sport]
Sanda (Chinese Kickboxing) combat sport is confirmed to be included in SUKMA Johor 2020. Please grab the opportunity for your athletes to join!

On the same date there with be @labuanbigshow #LABS

Don’t forget our BAC8 on:
Date: 5 – 7 July 2019
Venue: Labuan Times Square

Related:  BAC 8 photos by Su Khiong Chong