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An overview of the participants at the MAEX.

A first ever Martial Arts EXpo (MAEX) KL that was held at the Stadium Titiwangsa the past weekend of Aug 10-11 was a cultural eye-opener.

Featuring various styles of martial arts from traditional Asian countries, the two-day event drew 500 participants from China, Taiwan, India and of course Malaysia, that was held in conjunction with the 5th KL Wushu Championsips.

MAEX’s founder, Alvin Chong said that the event hopes to succeed in creating harmony and unity through martial arts, especially since martial arts in Malaysia is segregated and focused too much on the entertainment aspects.

He believed martial arts should be introduced as a non-competitive sport that promotes virtues and the sanctity of the sport.

And Alvin is certainly appreciative of the Malay and Indian community by bringing both of their traditional pencak silat and silambam to showcase and compete at MAEX.

President of World Traditional Pencak Silat Federation, Zainal Azhar or like to be known as Joni Domo (second from right)

MAEX is also aimed to spread the moral principles of martial arts such as discipline, respect and responsibility. It is with hope that the community recognizes these values rather than just throwing punches and kicks.

The event showcased different types of martial arts from each of these styles.

Related:  Martial Arts EXpo (MAEX) KL 2019 - August 9th to 11th

1. Weapon Combats (Duan Bing)
Participants will compete in a versus mode equipped with protective gears and rubberized weapons. The scoring system will be based on the hit-score system.

2. Chinese Wrestling (Shuai Jiao)
Watch participants wrestle among themselves. It’s something like Judo with traditional Chinese martial arts moves.

3. Forms & Weapons (Taolu)
In this segment, audiences will get to watch a wide variety of martial arts around the world. There will be Taekwando, Muaythai, Silat, Silambam and even nunchucks. Boasting both armed,unarmed combat, forms and katas as well.

Who knows, maybe we’ll see more next year!

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