3 MAY 2019. Today marks the start of Sabah Muaythai Open. The venue is Dewan Salleh Sulong in the town of Papar, 30 minutes from Kota Kinabalu.

It is the first competition organized by Sabah Muaythai Association for 2019 and will be the first task for the newly elected 2019 committee lead by re-elected President Tn Ir. Hj. Nazri bin Hj. Ab Razak & newly elected Deputy Presiden Dhillon Tahing.

Below is the new committee

President : Tn Ir. Hj. Nazri bin Hj. Ab Razak
Deputy President : Tn Cyrille Dhillon Tahing (Licence A)
Secretary: Pn Norzahlilawati binti Abd Rajak Assistant Secretary : Tn. Lucky Akbar Paulana Adey
Treasurer : Cik Sofia Binti Dahlan

Technical Committee : Tn. Readwan Matin (Chief Marshall Sabah ) 
Development Committee : Tn Rayner Kinsiong (License C)
Event Committee : Tn. Johan Julian (Licence C)
Selection Committee : Tn. Ranjit (Licence A)
Female Development Committee : Cik Sharon Gerard (Licence C)

Selection Sub Committee: Tn. Ak Syam (Licence C)
Female Development Sub Committee: Mardiana Mohd Maulana (licence C)
Technical Sub Committee: Mohd Irwan Shah bin Salisah (Reff)
Event Sub Committee: Jonathan Quan (Licence A)
Anti Doping Sub Committee : Hasbullah Sanmin (licence C)

This is an important event in the calender of Sabah Muaythai as it will be the pre selection for State and SUKMA Team line ups.

Related:  JFL 2015: The Ladder Match - Straweight ( female ) & Flyweight Results

Datuk Haji Aidi Bin Haji Moktar Minister of Law & Native Affairs of Sabah will be doing the opening ceremony and the association is arranging a Muaythai Waikhru performances to welcome the VIPS.

On 2 May, registration, weighing in & drawing of bouts has been completed

Expect a good turnout from Sabah Muaythai athletes and from the region such as Sarawak & Labuan. The association is also holding a referee course over the weekend, This is to prepare qualified judges & referee for the upcoming Sabah Games in November.

As the organizer task to run the operation of this championship, Papar Muaythai Association lead by it’s president Rayner Kinsiong has prepare his organizing team which consist of a few of his students’ parents that is very committed to make this event a success.

MILO is one of the main sponsor. Winners will win MILO products and enjoyed chill energizing MILO drinks on Saturday. The crowds will also have the chance to win MILO sponsored items by participating in a few activities planned by the organizing committee.

From left Dhillon Tahing-Deputy President Sabah Muaythai, Tan Wallace-Operations Manager Nestle, Rayner Kinsiong – Papar Muaythai President