“To know oneself, is to study oneself in action with another person” this quote by Bruce Lee is everlastingly true. Stepping into the ring to face another person whose sole intention is to punch/kick you in the face takes courage, great physical health & good technical abilities… but there’s no denying that mental strength becomes the winning factor when physical & technical abilities are equal. When you go into a fight, you will know how you react in adverse and pressure situation. You will learn how fast you are able to problem solve and put together a good plan to win or just to survive.

Kickboxing has enable a lot of people to do this. It doesn’t matter which style of striking art you are from, Kickboxing fight rules are simple and easy to follow and give everyone an equal playing field. By matching fighters according to their experience in the ring also ensure a relatively balance bouts. Hence the founding of AMA Fighting Championship (AMA FC) which stands for Any Martial Arts.

Sanctioned by International Sports Kickboxing Association (ISKA), AMA FC started in 2018 with just 5 events. AMA FC quickly gain popularity among combat sports enthusiast. Participants comes from various gym and from various style of martial arts. All coming together to test their skills, compete for glory and through the process getting to know themselves better.
The first event started humbly at founder Edison Chong’s exactly 2 years ago in Jan 2018. 2 months later in March their 2nd event was held in Master Khoo Meng Yang TNT Gym. Master Khoo is also the ISKA representative of Malaysia, a former Muaythai & Kickboxing champion and a very well respected official in combat sports.

AMA FC is now run by Edison, Master Khoo and Alex Lim – a veteran and multi medalist in Sanda, Kickboxing & Muaythai. Together with their combine experience in combat sports they are pushing Kickboxing to be a mainstream sports and offering AMA FC as a platform to unearth new Malaysian talent in line with the introduction of Kickboxing as a SEA Games event in Manila last year.

Last year they grew to 8 events and culminate the championship with a year-end title fight that crowned 9 champions, they are:

AMA average 90 over fighters per events and each events averagely have 30-35 bouts, which speaks volume for its popularity and making it the biggest Kickboxing championship in Malaysia.
In 2020, AMA FC is going big. Looking at almost 1 event per month, they have planned for 11 events. In which a grand final will be held in 22 Nov to crown new champions. They will kickstart 2020 with their first event – AMA 12 on Saturday 18 JAN ( 12noon onwards ) in Citta Mall at Ara Damansara.

To qualify for the grand finals, fighters need to accumulate points throughout edition 12th to 21 to be eligible to fight for the belt. New points system has been introduce for 2020 to make fights more action packed and exciting.
KO Win 4 points; TKO Win 3.5 points; Unanimous Decision Win 2.5 points; Split Decision Win 2 points; Loss 1 point; Cancellation/Missing In Action/Late/Overweight -2 points.

If you don’t come for the fights, at least show up for the eye candy. They are friendly and will keep your eyes busy in between rounds. The organizer goes through a lot to ensure they choose the best looking ring girls for your viewing pleasure. So come on over to CItta Mall this Saturday 18 JAN, from 12 noon onwards. Entrance is free!

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