On May 10, I posted a review on DRAGON RUN, a 6km run with obstacles base on martial arts. At the end of the review I mentioned that how nice it would be to have this type of event in Sabah. Well I guess my wish came true. IMAGO Mall to celebrate the Kaamatan – Harvest Festival Month of Sabah, built an obstacle course challenge call RAINFOREST CHALLENGE right in the middle of its center concourse – The Oval.

The concept of this challenge is based on the beautiful nature of Sabah. With the setting of Sabah’s rainforest, this obstacle course is a test of speed, agility and fitness. Anyone can join, just spend RM50 in accumulated receipts, and redeem your entry ticket on the same day of purchase to enter! Shoppers stand to win some limited edition Imago merchandise and vouchers. This challenge started on 13 MAY 2016, and each week the top 6 qualifying time will automatically be entered to the Grand Finale Challenge, on the 12 June 2016, this Sunday.

In the finale, the weekly winners will be teamed up with a guest celebrity sports personality. Each of these guests will lead their team to get the best time to finish. The team captain will need understand the different strength its members to enable him/her to strategize who to go first. More prizes will be given away during The Rainforest Challenge Grand Finale for the best team and best overall athlete!

So who are these team leaders? Well before that let’s see what do contestant need to do in the RAINFOREST CHALLENGE. All together there’s 5 challenges.

1st Challenge is call Dangerous Steps. These are stools-like steps at different height and the top is rotatable. Looks easy but when you are in a rush, as the top is rotatable, a slight misstep may result in you ending on the floor.

2nd Challenge : Dangerous Vine. This is where Ninja skills come in handy. Balance is the key here as you maneuver yourself across a hanging rope by holding on to a parallel rope on top.

3rd Challenge: Rolling Log. It’s made up of 3 big cylindrical ‘log’. These logs are stationary on its position but it can spin on its axle. In the weekly challenge, these logs are left unmanned, but in the Grand Finale, there will be crew there to spin it; and spin it fast they will. These makes the challenge much tougher as contestant will need to really have excellent timing, balance and speed to get through this part.

4th Challenge: Spider Web. This is a maze like contraption of mad criss crossing ropes. Going into these web of ropes is certainly a sure way to get yourself tangle up. Contestant need spider like abilities to control their bodies and limbs to move forward and out of the entanglement. The good news is…organizer will add on more ropes in the Grand Finale. I am so looking forward to people get frustrated here. So patience and calmness will also be a virtue in this challenge. Contestant… start meditating.

5th Challenge: The final challenge is call Warrior Blow. As the culture of Borneo, where local natives such as Dusun and Murut uses blow pipe to hunt, contestant will need to relive this and must hit the bullseye or at least the yellow area.

After completing all this challenge, contestants need to run to press the buzzer ala American Ninja to mark the end of the challenge.

Sounds like fun right? Ok so who is the team captain? these ( below ) was the original line up, but there’s a slight change now.

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Let’s introduce you all one by one to the team captain.
Allen Solomon Chong. A popular figure in the martial arts world. A pro MMA fighter, he is the winner of the 1st MIMMA Lightweight belt & The finalist that was selected to represent South East Asia in UFC’s :The Ultimate Fighter China, Allen is an architect…hmmm. So will he uses his architectural skills to figure out the best way to win? Allen also founded Alpha MMA; with a Ninja logo, Allen is gear up to bring home the grand prize for his team.
Original picture by Deb Gauges 
Kevin Andrew. A well known name in the fitness industry. Kevin is the Sabah state team leader for the hugely successful nationwide weight loss progrom JK1M ( Jom Kurus 1 Malaysia ). Kevin also fought MMA before but has put in his full focus now on coaching fitness. Being a very experience fitness coach, Kevin is confident of leading his team for the Grand Prize.
Another fitness celebrity, this is Adreanna Joyce. She is the the team leader for the JK1M Alamesra area. Fitness is Adrenna’s passion and she can motivate people very effectively. These are qualities she believes will help her and her team emerging champion!
Finaly, last but not least. Alexis Akang. He’s name may not be familiar yet. Alexis is the replacement for Rayner Kinsiong ( Team Karabaw founder and ONE Championship pro MMA fighter ), Rayner had to decline participation due to commitment to work.
Alexis is Rayner’s brother in law. Only17 and being the youngest of all the team captain but Alexis is known as Sabah Muaythai prodigy. He participated in a number of competition last year and already achieve considerable success. He is improving in his fighting skills by the day but for this Rainforest Challenge, Alexis will use his youth and vigour to outsmart the rest to make sure his team win this challenge.
This looks like a battle between the fitness guru and the martial artist…so who ya got?
Thanking the foresight of IMAGO Mall management for creating such event in Sabah, I felt that by having our local martial arts and fitness personality as a highlight in their event certainly acknowledge the drawing power of these personality. Surely their team members from their own gym and affiliates will come in droves to watch and support them.
At the end of the day, this event brings together everyone to have healthy fun; and using an obstacle course challenge promotes healthy lifestyle and creates awareness on fitness.
Grace One will be sponsoring ADIDAS apparel for the team captain
Personal Best time will win a SAMSUNG NOTE5 with VR gear. Best team, will win FitBit gear
Let’s all go down to IMAGO Mall this Sunday 12 JUNE 2016, to watch a local mini version of Ninja Warrior.  For more infor please call Ardie 010-957 9748 or IMAGO Mall 088-275 888
want infor, look for Ardie
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