16 OCT 2016, last Saturday, TAGS Spine & Joint Specialist – Kota Kinabalu branch held a talk on ‘Basic Injury Prevention & Exercise Optimisation for Trainers.TAGS Kota Kinabalu is located at 3rd Floor, Block D, Lot 21 of KK Times Square. (Just across Upperstar Cafe IMAGO)
TAGS stand for Tonik Asia Groups which have 14 branches all over Malaysia. Founded in 1997 by Dato Dr Thomas Ong. In East Malaysia they are located at KK, Miri & Kuching. TAGS KK has been operating since 2011. TAGS specializes in the provision of chiropractic, physiotherapy and orthopedic care for NeuroMusculoSkeletal (NMS) conditions.
Such a mouthful ya, well in layman terms, they provide solution to treat joint & spine problem. As a martial artist or fitness enthusiasts, all of us are bound to experience some sort of injury or discomfort from our sports and fitness activities.
I myself have completely torned both my knees ACL. My first serious injury was an MCL tear on my right knee 13 years ago from a Taekwondo training session. Due to lack of knowledge on alternative treatment I opt for surgery. Recovery was very slow and no fun. Walking with crutches for months.
But eventually I recovered and started to go back to gym training with weights to strenghten my muscle to around my knee. But after a foolish game of futsal I tore my right ACL. I didn’t go for operation as I couldn’t afford it. After swelling came down I started to go back to my normal martial arts training. Couple of times it buckle & I had to rest for many days. I found out later that it was an ACL tear. Then 3 years ago in a company team activity I jumped from a height of 4 feet, landed awfully due to my right knee injury. It impacted both my knee horribly.
Doctor confirmed my right knee needed immediate surgery as I have furthered injured my miniscus due to the instability without the ACL. I went for surgery and the doctor reconstruct my right knee ACL using my hamstring ligament. And at the same time when he operated on my right knee, he checked on my left knee. And when I woke up from the surgery, surprise…my left knee ACL was also completely torned!
Again recovery was a horrible experience. I do not have full stability on my right knee, I avoid sports that need to pivot with my knees, ie: martial arts, football, badminton, rugby etc.
You all are fortunate nowadays as there are alternative treatment aside from going under the knife for injuries like mine. This is what TAGS treatment philosophy is, to consider non surgical solutions first. It’s not that surgery is a bad thing, but if there is option to recover without going under the knife, then by all means we should go for that because its a way to let our own body recover and find ways to heals, furthermore, it takes longer time for you to heal from surgery.
Ok enough about me…
The talk was conducted by Dr Randeep ( Chiroprator & Clinic Director ). Most that attend are fitness instructors. Including celebrity trainer Adreanna Joyce Laban.
Dr Randeep |

The first equipment Dr Randeep showed to treat joint injuries is The Shockwave. This machine shoots multiple knocks of pressure in super speed succession. It stimulates the body’s healing process, as well as breaks down adhesion and scar tissue, encouraging faster recovery in certain conditions.
Dr Randeep tested it on my right knee. The initial feeling was like being hit a hundred times with a hammer in high speed! It was not painful, but was uncomfortable at first, but after close to a minute, the discomfort is bearable as numbness sets in.
Dr Randeep explained that usually those with partial injuries to the joint areas, ie: ligament, tendon , miniscus, etc, can benefits from SHockwave treatment.
We were then introduce to Sports Therapist, Amirul. Amirul in turn introduce us to this machine call Power Plate. Nope it’s not a new weight machine for body builder. It looks kinda like those machine sold in shopping mall with the contraptions on your butt and hips that vibrates & suppose to make you loose those fat. But nope, Power Plate does not functions as such. yes it vibrates, but actually it’s uses are as such to increased muscle strength and flexibility, improved range of motion, decreased cellulite, increased bone mineral density, reduced pain and inflammation and faster recovery.
Amirul further explained, that we are usually using our main muscles to do most work, but there are small supporting muscles that work in tandem with our main muscles that need to be stimulated to make our body functions more efficiently and Power Plate can help on this.
For fighters this small things makes a huge difference when you are on the edge. The ability to utilities all these muscles together gives you the ultimate edge for peak performance.
Another machine introduce to us is the DTS. I believe many of us heard of someone with spine injuries. Most common is slip disk. Either from lifting heavy items with bad forms or constantly being in a bad posture.
Spinal Decompression Traction Therapy provides relief to severe back and neck pain sufferers by gently reducing the pressure within spinal discs. The treatment motion is computer controlled to provide gentle and painless decompression of the injured spinal discs and to rehabilitate individual spinal discs. Therapy sessions typically last less than 20 minutes and most people feel pain relief with as few as 6-10 treatments.
The DTS machine was demo to us by Pauline Chok.
Dr Randeep further showed us how to keep the spine straight and how to look out for scoliosis among children and how to keep our spine helathy.
The facilities here are up to par from the other branches in West Malaysia. Now East Malaysian does not have to spend money by travelling to West Malaysia to seek such treatment.
Thanks to Dr Randeep and team from TAGS KK that gave us a educational session.
Everyone of us need to get alignment of our body from time to time as we are more and more expose to bad posture from our sedentary lifestyle or bad habit. Sitting for hours working on the computer or constantly looking down on our smartphone is really making our body go out of whack!.
This disorders which is call Neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) disorders are medical conditions associated with problems to muscles, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, cartilage, or spinal discs. They represent some of the most common medical conditions that affect people, regardless of their age and include common back pain, scoliosis, poor posture, degenerative disc diseases and joint injuries. Well most of us will experience these conditions, or know someone else who does.
Call up TAGS, ask for a free consultation. Their multi-disciplinary medical and complementary health specialists, physiotherapists, nurses and staff work as a team to bring our patients to lasting wellness
As for fighters, athletes and fitness enthusiast especially, TAGS offer many treatment here to keep you fit and functions at your top level. Check them out.
TAGS Kota Kinabalu
Block D, Lot 21, KK Times Square, Off Coastal Highway,
88100 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Phone Number
+6088 – 485 854
+6017 778 1599
Operation Hours
Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri: 08:30am – 06:00pm
Tue: 08:00am – 07:00pm
Sat: 08:00am – 04:30pm
For KARABAW team members don’t forget your session tomorrow:
I’m Wallace.
Martial arts is a passion of mine since I was a kid. TaeKwon-Do was my first martial arts.
Since my injury to both knee’s ACL, I train for fitness only. Warriors.Asia started as Warriors of Borneo blogspot in 2015, this is my way of keeping myself updated in the martial arts world.
Writing stories about it is my small way of contributing to the development of the industry. My aim is to inspire & motivate others with my stories & also to help organisers & event promoters to have more media coverage.
I do not make any $$$ out of this ( but of course if there are any brand that wants to collab, I gladly welcome ).
Do reach out to me if you have any martial arts stories you want to tell.
Have a nice day.
Do you sell shock crash vibration therapy? If so, how much does it cost, and how much more does it cost to ship in Greece?
Thank you very much
Sotirios Lois
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +30 2109 881 468