Feature CageBoxing fight

Nick Auddrey Nicholas
Age : 35
Height : 177cm
Fighting weight : 70kg / 75kg
Normal weight : 75kg
Nick enter TFQ as a late replacement as one of the fighters are not well.
Hailing from the interior town of Tambunan, Nick grew up there and when he reached 18 he move to Kota Kinabalu to further his studies & eventually work there. He graduated from University Malaysia Sabah with a degree in music.
Nick now work as a music tutor, specializing in guitar & drum.
He teaches in private class and also group class at House of Music Arts, which is own by his brother. His career in music not only involve teaching. He also produce, compose & performs.
In 2015, his band Dominant 5 was national Malaysia champion for Yamaha Band Mentor. From this result, they were selected to represent Malaysia to Asianbeat in Tokyo Japan, in which they won 3rd place behind Korea & Indonesia.
Aside from music, Nick is very passionate about Boxing. He is coach by his uncle, SUKMA Games Gold medalist Ryandell Joe Kitingan at ARU BOXING. Nick started Boxing rather late, at the age of 30. Because when he was young, his mother would rather buy him guitar to practice rather then him using that hand to punch people.
“Although some say I start Boxing late, but to me martial arts & music is also arts & techniques, if you spend time & dedication in training & learning, you will get better & better.
I am also starting to learn other martial arts such as Kickboxing , BJJ & wrestling at Ewako MMA & Garagas Gym.”
This year was a good year for him. He won Gold for Kinabalu Fight & Rampage Fighting Championship.
And most recently in Mayor Cup Sabah State Boxing Tournament, he fought 3 times , recording two KO & one Unanimous Decision results to emerge as state champion.
“ I am proud to say that I proof the naysayer wrong. At 35, I am able to become state champion! Although some may see this as a small achievement, but for me it is huge due to the fact that I started late and many don’t believe in me.”
What makes u wanna fight in TFQ? what is the motivation
“It’s normal for any athlete entering competition to test their skills. I felt TFQ is a great platform as it has some of the best Sabah talent participating. My motivation to take part is that I enter at my own will, not because someone wants me to fight.”

Mike Sidis
Age : 36
Team : BCG Labuan
Height :182
Fighting weight :80
Normal weight :85
In terms of height Mike is above average for local fighters. Although that is an advantage but it’s his unorthodox style that usually wins him fight. He is unpredictable & has a lot of heart.
He calls Labuan home & works in the Oil & Gas industry. He also most recently venture into business selling meat products in his shop – Evergrante
He started martial arts doing Karate in his teenage years, he wasn’t good at it he said but as he grew older & under the tutelage & guidance of coach Alvin Chong of Borneo Combat Gym Labuan, his techniques flourish.
Fight Record & achievement
●MMA 4
●Muaythai 1
●Kickboxing 5
●Boxing 2
●2 title belt match
What makes u wanna fight in TFQ? what is the motivation? :
“I love the feeling inside the cage / ring. I love it more when I compete inside it. For 2 years of the pandamic I did’t get to compete, so I’ve miss it very much.
Biggest challenge for me is cutting weight from 92kg to 80kg. As I am busy with my new business, it does take time away my training.”
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